Dear Sponsor, On behalf of the European Society for Photobio-logy (ESP) and the Local and Scientific Organizing Committees we cordially invite you to participa-te in the 19th Congress of the European Society for Photobiology, which will be held in Salzburg (Austria) from August 30 to September 3, 2021. As with past ESP congresses we are sure that this meeting will again provide a unique internatio-nal forum for the dissemination of new research, technological development and application in the photobiological sciences.

A full range of topics (see below) will be covered by the leading experts in their fields in parallel symposia, interactive poster sessions, as well as keynote and plenary lectures on exciting developing areas, including a talk by the 2021 ESP Young Investigator Awardee. ESP provides a substantial fellowship scheme to encourage the active participation of young scientists in our programme. Attendees from aca-demia and industry will thus find excellent opportunities for productive scientific discussion, exchange of new ideas and collaboration. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic we will offer a “hybrid” environment with the advantage of reaching an even wider range of experts world-wide.
Salzburg, Austria’s most inspiring city, is an UNESCO world heritage site located on the banks of the Sal-zach river. Salzburg’s historic centre is famous for its baroque architecture and its cultural events, most prominently the Salzburg Festival, which will end immediately before the start of our congress. The cong-ress venue will be the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the University Salzburg, in walking distance to the city centre. In addition to having an airport of its own, Salzburg is served by Munich and Vienna International Airports, which are conveniently connected by rail.
A leading conference in the field, the event can only become a success with active participation and sup-port from the industry! On the following pages we will provide all information you need to find the spon-soring opportunity most suitable for you. For updates please visit us at or contact us directly (see contact details below). We will be happy to tailor our sponsorship options to fit your specific requests! Needless to say that full recognition of your contributions will be made directly at the meeting as well as in the congress literature and on our website.
We thank you for your support and look forward to welcoming you in Salzburg, a wonderful place for a memorable meeting.
Kristjan Plaetzer, Chair Local Organising Committee
Franz Trautinger, European Society for Photobiology, President